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HV Diagnostics Partial Discharge & Tan Delta Test Units

The PDTD is an add on to the VLF Test Sets and gives partial discharge analysis as well as Tan Delta  cable diagnostics ttesting  on systems from 30KV to 200KV depending on the model of VLF Test Set you have.

The PDTD60-2 operates with the HVA60 and comes complete with the Diagnostic Software and interlink cables  to allow the VLF to power it.

HV Diagnostics Partial Discharge & Tan Delta Test Units

  • The cable diagnosis system PD60-2 consists of the following units:

    • HVA60 AC hipot (optional)
    • High voltage filter
    • Coupling capacitor
    • b2 Suite® software for diagnostics and reporting
    • Set of cables and corona rings

    The total weight for high voltage filter, coupling capacitor and calibrator is 41 kg. Thus the system is perfectly suitable for mobile use.

    For partial discharge analysis a sinusoidal 0.1 Hz VLF voltage is employed, adjustable over a range of up to 62 kV peak.Due to the following features the PD60-2 and PDTD60-2 are the most outstanding systems of their class:

      Compact, lightweight and
    portable solutions
    From small, portable units for one-site use (e.g. off-shore) to built-in solutions for "test van" versions.
      b2 Suite® software
    b2 Suite® provides a comprehensive “all-in-one” software solution for testing, diagnosis and management with a comprehensive database.
      True modularity
    The b2 high voltage generators can be easily up-graded to a diagnostics system, keeping initial investment low.
    Comprehensive b2 Suite® database enables easy analysis and evaluation of the PD measurement.
    Reporting by a mouse click – simple or comprehensive.

    Simultaneous measurement

    of PD and TD
    The parallel testing and measurement of PD and TD saves a significant amount of time, and prevents preconditioning of the cable.

    • Measurement of the intensity of partial discharges versus time
    • Localization of faults by TDR (Time Domain Reflectometry)
    • Display of faults in the partial discharges mapping
    • Phase related depiction
    • Easy to use and language selection

    The analysis is documented in the form of a ready-to-use report, containing all relevant results:

    • Calibration Pulse (in accordance with IEC 60270) and end detection
    • Background noise of the measurement arrangement
    • Partial discharges inception voltage (PDIV)
    • Partial discharges level at 1.7 Vo
    • Partial discharges extinction voltage (PDEV)


    The PD60-2 enables any test engineer to efficiently perform measurements without extensive training.

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