The ISA STS5000 is a multifunction primary current injection testing system designed to perform primary tests requested in substations commissioning. It allows to accurate testing on CTs, VTs, PTs and ground grid. With a bright color display
ISA STS5000 Substation Test Set
Fully automatic
Primary injection testing capabilities: up to 800 A or up to 3000 A, with the optional module BUX 3000
Variable output frequency: 15 - 500 Hz
Power dissipation factor test with the optional module TD 5000 ( voltage up to 12 kV)
2000 v AC high-pot test
Local control by large color display
PADS - Power Apparatus Diagnostic Software for automatic testing, assessment and report
IEC 61850-9-2 communication protocol
Patented technology for Capacitance and Tan Delta measurement
USB interface and Ethernet interface for PC connection.
Compact and lightweight.TEST DESCRIPTION
1 CT Ratio, Voltage mode
2 CT Ratio, polarity and burden with high AC
3 CT Burden, secondary side; ALF/ISF
4 CT Excitation curve
5 CT Winding or burden resistance
6 CT Voltage withstand
7 CT Remote polarity check
8 CT Rogowski coil transformers
9 CT Low power transformers
10 CT Tan Delta measurements
11 VT Ratio; polarity
12 VT Burden, secondary side
13 VT Ratio, electronic transformers
14 VT Voltage withstand
15 VT Remote polarity check
16 VT Tan Delta measurements17 PT Ratio per TAP
18 PT Vector group
19 PT Static and dynamic resistance of Tap
Changer contacts
20 PT No-load current
21 PT Short-circuit impedance
22 PT Tan Delta measurements
23 CB High DC current micro-Ohmmeter test
24 CB Tan Delta measurements
25 CB, RELAY Current threshold and timing
26 R Ground resistance and resistivity
27 R Step and touch voltages
28 L Measurement of line impedance and of
the related parameters
29 Capacitor Measurement of the capacitance
Tests are performed in accordance with the IEC standards