A popular hand held instalation tester that meets IEC standards and performs all the tests required for instals. Easy to use and reliable with NiMH batteries and all the required leads and plugs.
METREL 3125 Multifunction Tester
- Insulation resistance with DC voltage.
- Continuity of PE conductors with 200 mA test current with polarity change.
- Continuity of PE conductors with 7 mA test current (continuous measurement).
- Line impedance & Loop impedance.
- Loop impedance with Trip Lock RCD function.
- TRMS voltage and frequency.
- Phase sequence.
- RCD testing (general and selective, type AC, A and B).
- Socket test without trailing lead.
- Earth resistance (3-wire method).
- LED Pass/Fail indicators two LED indicators for PASS / FAIL evaluation of test results are placed on both sides of the LCD.
- Help screens instrument comes complete with built-in help screens for referencing on site.
- B type RCD testing is supported.
- Earth resistance measurement instrument performs 3-wire earth resistance testing with two additional rods.
- Built-in loop impedance tables this unique feature allows automatic evaluation of the line / loop impedance results compared to the regulations.
- Online voltage monitoring monitors all 3 voltages in real time.
- Polarity swap automatic polarity reversal on continuity test.
- Insulation range wide range of insulation test voltages from 50 V to 1000 V, reading up to 1000 MΩ.
- Trip Lock function Zs (RCD) function performs a loop impedance test without tripping the RCD.
- Built-in charger & rechargeable batteries unit has a built-in charging circuit and comes complete with a set of rechargeable NiMH batteries.
- RCD auto: automated RCD testing procedure significantly reduces test time.
- PC SW Eurolink PRO included in the the standard set enables downloading of test results and parameters and creation of test reports.
- Bluetooth communication with PC, Android tablets and smart phones via built-in BT.
- EuroLink Android APP, data management tool (option).